9. The Name of Jesus Christ
In the Book of Revelation, the name of Jesus Christ, the founder of the Mass, is placed in pivotal parts. We can also find many expressions in the book that make us associate with Jesus Christ, such as "who is and who was and who is to come." They flow like a torrent into the senses of the trainee who recites the text, helping him form the worldview of Jesus Christ and purifying his memory of the five senses. This happens so that he may direct himself to the Mass, where he will have his memory of knowledge purified by the Word and have a concrete experience of true union with God. Many of the names of Jesus Christ are in the same context as the "beatitude," which we discussed last time, but some of them are placed independently. These are in the context of the dragon that "stood on the sand by the sea"1 and of the woman whose name is "Babylon the great, mother of harlots and of earth's abominations."2 Both of them conjure up images of the accidental information later coming into the world as concrete acts of individual people. However, the accidental information initially arises in the memory of the brain of individuals in the relationship among multiple people. Therefore, the Revelation, by inserting the words "bear testimony to Jesus" and "the witnesses to Jesus" in these texts, makes the trainees who encounter the name of Jesus here prepared to courageously distinguish between themselves and the accidental information so that they may act as disciples who, like Ananias3, share the worldview of Jesus Christ.
Reference: 1. Revelation 12:17, 2. Revelation 17:6, 3. this blog № 6
Maria K. M.