145. The Cherubim and the Flaming Sword
The spontaneity with which man and creatures came into existence in response to God's word "Be!" and the "breath of life" that God breathed into man so that he might be after his likeness are both free because the spontaneity of God, the "I AM," is their source. Therefore, God caused the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to grow out in the centre of the actual garden to know how the two in Genesis would demonstrate their spontaneity by watching how they would take and eat from the trees.
The two shared information and took and ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Therefore, God has put "enmity" between the woman and the information, and he arranged for it to be inherited by their offspring and set up a new plan. This caused the woman great pain in childbearing. But after she admitted that the information had deceived her, God forgave her for her fault for disobeying his command.
On the other hand, to the man, who had committed the two faults of taking and eating the fruit from the woman's hand and attributing its cause to God, God sought redemption by saying, "Cursed is the ground because of you" (Genesis 3:17). But woven into God's words was the future: "In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread" (Genesis 3:19). A hope was placed in their descendants, equipped with the "enmity God has placed" brought about by the woman.
The man, the only one without the "enmity God had placed" in him, then named the woman Eve. With this action, he made the third fault, adding to his two previous faults. God drove him out of the Garden of Eden with the woman to make him cultivate the soil from which he had been taken and to pass the work on to his descendants.
Peter denied Jesus three times, as Jesus had foretold, and repented of it with tears. Jesus, after his resurrection, erased the faults of the man in Genesis by asking Peter three times, "Do you love me?" The hope God had placed in the future was realized as love for God, and from that redemption comes the body of Christ in which the life of God dwells again.
Peter and the other disciples whom Jesus chose and named Apostles would become the ones of whom Genesis said, "In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread," i.e., those who labour "for the food which endures to eternal life" (John 6:27), renewing the new covenant that Jesus accomplished on the cross.
The males, having inherited the redemptive work of the man, were to work as God's helpers in the creation of the body of Christ. Jesus placed here the recommendation "eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:12) so that their bodies are directed to the life of God. In this way, true equality is established between men and women, who inherit the woman's pain in childbearing and who, with their bodies oriented toward human life, work as God's helpers in the creation of human bodies.
Everyone, except the man in Genesis, has "enmity God has placed" by heredity. But how this "enmity" works is unknown. That is because behind the knowledge and memory proportionate to man are the sensory functions that take in information and the functions of the body, also maintained by the spontaneity of responding to the "Be!" commanded by God, and because people have a strong inclination of their desires that exceed instinct surfacing as their knowledge and memory connected with them become more and more developed.
Many people fail to accept Jesus' words because they cannot bear to see their own true nature, which will be revealed by the "enmity God has placed" (cf. John 8:31-59). The causal link between information and demons (unclean spirits) is endless. If one has the "enmity God has placed" in him but refuses to see or know it, he will be a follower of the man in Genesis. The death of his physical body will cause the birth of an unclean spirit. For this reason, God guarded the way to the Tree of Life for the man and for his followers, stationing the cherubim and the fiery revolving sword east of the Garden of Eden.
be continued
K. M.