120. Prophetic Composition of Revelation 3/3
A prophecy naturally prepares those who hear it for what it tells. Hence, the prophetic composition of Revelation has the character of a training book that prepares the disciples for the Holy Spirit who testifies about Jesus (cf. John 15:26) (cf. Revelation 1:3). It is written that when the Holy Spirit descended, "there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them" (Acts 2:3). This describes how the Holy Spirit connected with the realm of consciousness in the individual's brain to declare what he has taken from Jesus to the disciples and to train them.
In the realm of their consciousness emerged an area of habituated and unconscious through their constant and close contact with Jesus, where the worldview of Jesus Christ was placed. The remarkable behaviour of the disciples after Pentecost shows that the worldview of Jesus Christ, which they held in their unconscious area, was brought out into the realm of consciousness by the Holy Spirit at this time. For those of the next generation to share this experience, they needed to have the worldview of Jesus Christ. For this reason, the Book of Revelation was written.
The figure above shows that through the daily practice of reciting and listening to Revelation, a habitual and unconscious area emerges within the believer's realm of consciousness, where the worldview of Jesus Christ can be placed and maintained. The green zone above represents the realm of human consciousness, while the orange one represents the area of unconsciousness. The established 'New Testament' and the 'Essential Requirements for the Completion of the Mass Liturgy' (cf. blog № 116) derived from it are placed in the realm of consciousness.
The seven 'blessednesses' that appear at pivotal points in Revelation awaken the trainees each time to the fact that this training is taking place in their realm of consciousness. In addition, the sixth and seventh 'blessednesses' in the Spirituality of the Holy Spirit are one of the motivating forces for the believers who enter here to return to their daily routine with the training of the Book of Revelation and the Mass liturgy (cf. blog№ 94).
the other hand, in the 'Prophecy of the Fall of the Church' (chapters 17-18), not
'blessedness' but the words of the victory of 'the Lamb' and 'those with him'
(cf. Revelation 17:14) are placed. These words correspond to the words in the 'Prophecy
of the Completion of the Mass Liturgy' (cf. Revelation 19:11-16) and draw the
Church to the completion of the Mass Liturgy.
K. M.
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